Sunday, March 7, 2010

Deluge of Rain = massive growth!

It's an understatement that it's been Raining Cats and Dogs here in the state of Queensland. In fact, the total area of flooding equates to the size of the state of Victoria. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for the rain because our State needs it and so long I am indoors it doesn't bother me (too much) until 'cabin fever' sets in! Anyhow, with rain also comes massive growth! Here are some photos I've taken this weekend during the very brief moments when rain decided to take a break!

(from top to bottom: healthy & happy looking Oregano, lush Raddiccio and various other vegetables)

(from top to bottom: what a grogeous bright flower of Squash, more of those flowers coming through)

(from top to bottom: Big & spreading leaves of the Cucumber plant, rows of pests detering Marigolds)

(from top to bottom: Baby Eggplants, flowers of Eggplants)


MrsSH said...

Your hard work is paying off. I can just imagine the food being very yummy and fresh!

Magdalene said...

Thanks for your encouraging comments! I have to confess that I haven't had the need to lift a finger. Nature took over in the form of rain and I haven't applied fertiliser to it in over 2 weeks due to the rain. It's all mother nature! :D