Thursday, January 27, 2011

25 weeks update and absolutely buggered!

Today officially marks the start of the 25th week of gestation with my babies and I am feeling rather strained, physically.

For starters, I have been told that my blood volume has increased by 30%, no wonder, my heart is working harder as usual and hence, I am breatheless for a slightly longer period of time after walking up a slight hill towards my office.

To put it simply, I am feeling buggered. My energy levels from 4 weeks ago have certainly diminished today and find myself retiring to bed when I get home from work for about an hour before I am able to get dinner together. Wow! There must be a lot of activity happenin within me that I am unable to fathom, yet! This body of mine is incredible, to state the least!

Here I am in the office, about 12 days of work left before I retire and resume my place as full-time incubator...

I look forward to having my babies in my arms and start my new chapter as mummy..however, not too soon please. I would love them to grow in me for as long as possible, preferably till end April, with the hope that when I leave the hospital, they can come home with us.

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