Thursday, February 17, 2011

28 weeks and 2.2kgs worth of babies

Valentine's Day this year was particularly special for us because we had an in-depth scan at 27 weeks 4 days.

Once again, it was marvellous to see our children on the screen - grateful for their growth and appreciate their active movements. This time, we had a much better look at their feet with toes (yes all 10 on each child) and their faces! Oh wow! They are so cute, chubby and absolutely perfect! Yes, I am biase and not ashame of it.

The icing on the cake was when the sonographer told us that our babies are the same size as singletons at this gestational age! Wow, just when I thought our babies are slightly smaller due to the compact size of my belly...each baby weighs 1.1kg~ there you have it, people, I am carrying 2.2kgs worth of babies in wonder the fainting and breathelessness!

I love touching my belly, feeling their movements and having conversations with them. They are the absolutely sunshine of my life and I will do whatever I can to hold them in me for the next 10 weeks.

Thank you God for gifting us these miracles and also for creating science so that our dream for a family is possible. Amen.

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