Friday, February 11, 2011

27 weeks, 1 day and very sleepy

Blind me! I cannot believe how tired I am. Actually, I can. I so desperately need a nap right now and wish I have a mattress underneath the table that I can crawl and lie on it.

My babies are zapping me of every remaining ounce of energy - they must need a lot to grow at the rate they are. My stomach feels like its permanently full and bloated due to its hardness. I am wadding like a slow moving duck and everything takes a little longer to accomplish with my burgeoning physical being especially in the digestion department. Yes, I am still terribly constipated and have been since the 4th week of pregnancy.

Despite that, I love touching my bump especially when the babies are active as they remind me of the immense honor and privilege of being their mummy. A role I've been wishing, hoping and praying earnestly for the past 4 years.

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