Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's finally happening!

The last two months of my pregnancy has been physically and psychologically challenging to state the least. As I admire my burgeoning body and marvel at its ability to nurture and grow two healthy beings, it comes as no surprise that my energy levels have also plummeted to support the the miracles as well as my poor battered body!

The sharp prolonged ache on the pelvis, on my private parts as well as my water goblet of a belly which measured 46 inches last weekend makes resting very challenging. Every change in position to prevent 'dead leg' or one of the many awful symptoms of being sedatory, takes CONSIDERED effort!

Yes, friends who are parents assure me that all this is NOTHING as compared to parenthood. Oh dear...

At the appointment with the Obstetrician more than a week ago, he had given us three dates for the caesarean to take place - Friday 15th April, Good Friday or Friday 29th April (The Royal Wedding). I expressed my concern for the first date because the babies will only be 36 weeks young. Obstetrician assured us that they are of good weight (in fact, I am carrying two full-size singletons!) and can be "taken out" if I want to. Geee...the offer is tempting however, I told him that I would prefer if we took the 'wait and see attitude' since we check in with him every week.

Who would have thought the week after the appointment was certainly the WORSE week of my pregnancy so far?! My ever present constipation returned with a vengence, my body temperature spiked (another pregnancy symptom), physically I was worse than ever...oh dear....

This week, we went back to the Obstetrician for our weekly Monday check-in and I told him that I CANNOT make it to the Royal Wedding! Then I went on to describe my psychotic and physical state. He then suggested next Tuesday, 19th April as D-Day. I smiled with relief. He then told me to hold my horses because he has to check availability at the hospital since it is the week of the Easter and Anzac Day long weekend...oh dear...

God answered my prayers - the hospital and the medical team are available! YEAH! I felt a sudden surge of hope and energy knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am still the same person - the person who likes to know what is happening and when it is happening. I need a plan!

Yesterday was a momentous day for me as I looked at the clock when it struck 1:45pm (next week on the 19th April - that's my check in time at the hospital), 3:45pm (that's when I will be in the operating theatre fully awake with Jared by my side and 12 other medical staff), 4:00pm (that's when our babies will be born and we will get to hold them in our arms).

Today is another momentous day for me because this time next week, not only will be I be 'new' mummy, it will also be my 33rd Birthday! Yes, isn't that simply perfect! The best Birthday, ever!

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