The drawers in the ensuite and kitchen have been driving me up the wall for years. Why? Because I can never find anything in them due to the mess and every time one opens / shuts those drawers, the contents tend to move!
Over the years, those drawers have becomes spaces for 'junk' or other unmentionables that one does not want to have to look at / deal with until last weekend...when I bought a roll of non-slip mat that can be cut into whatever size of shape I desire!
As I was too embarressed to take photos of what those drawers looked like 'before', please use your own imagination because I will only be showing you the 'after' results!
The Ensuite
This is my everyday drawer. See that light brown coloured mat with little holes? That's the non-slip mat which I have cut down to size (after cleaning my drawer with non-toxic cleaner).
Before: This drawer was filled with all sorts of crap from packets of facial cotton pads, numerous free sample of products and other unmentionables.
After: Only the daily essentials are in this drawer. With this mat, the contents no longer move! They stay in the same spot! I love that it's organise, clean and that I can see everything!
This is Jared's drawer which contains his essentials.
Before: It was filled with electronic products, boxes of clean ear buds and other unmentionables.
After: Only what he needs. I have thrown out so much stuff from both our drawers - about 4 plastic bags full of useless crap that we have not used in years and products that have expired!
This is my half of the "beauty" cabinet located next to the drawers.
Before: Oh my! I could never tell what was really in this space because of its depth. Yes, I removed a lot of stuff that I have not used and will never use.
After:There's only products and goods that I will use and they are organise according to its category!
The Kitchen
This is the third drawer and also previously known as the 'junk' drawer where bits and pieces of kitchen ware is randomly chucked in.
Before: It was an embarressment. Everything was stuck together - all the kitchenware were jammed together because there was so much!
After: Many items have been thrashed and only the essentials are kept. See, now we can see everything.
This is the fourth drawer and one that was thoroughly forgettable because...
Before: It contained everything that you see now PLUS heaps more crap like postcards, mobile phone chargers, etc. It was difficult to open and shut this drawer.
It's no longer forgettable!
It has been 4 days and so far, so good!